Heartland Hoops: Why sit on the sidelines when you can play the game?


Hi there! This is a scene from the screenplay “Heartland Hoops” on YouTube.

I am working on getting it made into a feature film. There are so few sports films about women and so few films written and directed by women; plain and simple, we need more! More about us! More positive role models! More women taking the lead!

The film celebrates the energy and fire in today’s world of women’s college basketball.  Like the mega hit “A League of Their Own,” or the international success “Bend It Like Beckham,” “Heartland Hoops” hopes to inspire and delight! My dream is to have audiences walk out of the theater (or get up from their sofa) feeling exuberant, capable, and entertained!

My goal for the scene is to find an enthusiastic audience. With a following, I know I can find a way to make the entire film. And I think you are out there! If you like this clip, please share the link with everyone you know and click like!

Here’s a little bit more about the film:

In the middle of Kansas, there is a small college town where the men’s basketball team has been the epicenter of entertainment and power, until now.  Surrounded by wheat fields, cattle, and domineering men, Carly, a local waitress, takes the reins of the little known women’s basketball team, The Honeybees, and sparks a revolution!  It’s Honeybee mania in Hornet country!

Thank you and GO HONEYBEES!

Kyle Ann Stokes

“Heartland Hoops,” Original Screenplay Finalist in the Los Angeles All Sports Film Festival

About the Author

Kyle Ann Stokes is a filmmaker living in New York City.