Posts tagged Workplace Advice
A Little Lie? Why Fibs In Hiring And Workplace Happen and What You Need To Do

 The  truth is on both sides of the hiring process at many career levels, the recruiter often offers misleading information about the job and perhaps the company. Potential employees often pad their resumes.

Does the employer’s white lie and candidate’s CV padding cancel each other out? Maybe each party deserves what they get because they were less than 100% honest and transparent.

In the Australian TV series, “Fisk,” that debuted in 2021,  the main character, Helen Tudor-Fisk, tells some big fibs about her experience as a trial lawyer after a divorce and career upheaval in order to get hired at a low-budget law firm. The show, many report, is very funny.

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Back to Work: 6 Tips On Shifting From Remote To IRL Or Hybrid

Now that the pandemic is officially over—in spite of spiking cases nationwide— many leaders are calling for a return to the physical office.

Farmers Group CEO Raul Vargas recently mandated everyone be back in the office because it breeds creativity, camaraderie, and collegiality.

According to Business Insider, “The CEOs of Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan have said remote work is a solution for some, but not all, and larger companies like Disney and Starbucks have recently updated their requirements for employees to work in offices at least a few days per week.”.

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Cruella At Work: 5 Tips to Manage Your Mean Boss In Person

It was easier perhaps to compartmentalize the effects your mean boss had on you when you were in your remote home office and only had to interact visually a few hours a day.

You could press “leave meeting.” You could delay opening an email you were dreading. You could relish the fact you were in slippers and yoga pants and any moment you could rush into the kitchen at whim, or even text a co-worker while a boss tantrum was in full bloom.

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How can we help you? 6 Coronavirus survival tips guaranteed to lift your spirits

My daughter brought me a roll of toilet paper wrapped beautifully in purple tissue. We shared a knowing laugh. I wanted to hug her but we elbow bumped.

Even Disneyland is closed for heaven’s sake, so though restaurants in my neighborhood are still packed, we didn’t go out for dinner.

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